Walking papers the light below vinyl
Walking papers the light below vinyl

walking papers the light below vinyl

As a sample it might look good, and the sales story told about it might be great, but the product may actually be incapable of performing. We’ve also found where there are different runs mixed in a box, resulting in variations in sheen, texture and shade. We’ve seen products in the field where the wood patterned surface has actually worn down to the white back.

walking papers the light below vinyl

If it’s too glossy, it will show scuff marks, and if the surface texture is too coarse, it can produce white marks. In lesser quality LVT, the finish or wearlayer may create problems. Also, be aware that even some of the best vinyl plank flooring brands in the industry source LVT from multiple suppliers, so they don’t make everything they sell. Not all LVT is created equal, and with production coming from all over the world, it’s difficult to know whether you’re getting high quality product or a cheap piece of plastic. But while there’s a lot of high quality LVT out there, some of it, to put it plainly, ain’t that great. In fact, the storm is actually a tsunami, because the market is being flooded with product from all over. You know the saying, “What goes around, comes around.” Well, we’ve come around to luxury vinyl tile again, and it’s taking the market by storm. The difference now is that the category has gone mainstream with a large number of producers, new installation systems and improved digital imaging, allowing producers to emulate virtually any material. We also sold a lot of stone-look peel-and-stick 12”x12” tiles. I started in the industry in 1971 in retail and remember selling a lot of beautiful Amtico tiles that looked like high-end marble and stone. So it’s worth it to take a closer look at LVT’s popularity and problems. Luxury vinyl tile (LVT) is the hottest product on the market today, and it’s also the product that’s generating the most number of complaints and claims in the flooring industry.

Walking papers the light below vinyl